
Sunday, January 1, 2012

For Whom Did Christ Die?

“Calvinists teach that [Limited Atonement] is necessary to preserve the two basic attributes of God, namely his justice and the integrity of his purposes. The argument goes like this: Suppose I were to owe you a thousand dollars but was unable to pay my debt. But a kind friend intervenes and pays you what I owe. But you still elicit a payment from me, asking that I pay every last cent. Would that be just? I think not. If my friend paid my debt, justice requires that I be free. The analogy is clear: if Christ’s sacrifice was for all men then either all men will be saved or God will be unfairly demanding from sinners what has already been paid. If Christ died for people who will be in hell, his justice is in jeopardy. How could a righteous God demand a double payment for the same debt?” – Erwin Lutzer

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