
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Went To Heaven

In the past few years, books describing trips to heaven after death have become very popular, including one of someone who went to hell. There are those who put great trust in these accounts saying, "See! The Bible is true! This guy's story proves it!"

I have my doubts and when I have expressed them, people usually point to John's account in Revelation, Isaiah's view of the throneroom in Isaiah 6 and Paul in 2 Corinthians. Do these Scriptures really say the same thing as these books? Are they similar accounts? What about Lazarus being raised from the dead?

Tim Challies has a great response in this article.

Here's the kicker:

What I can say with confidence is that I am under no obligation to trust in the validity of such experiences and neither am I under any obligation to change the way I live or to change what I believe on the basis of them. What I know of heaven through the Bible is infinitely more precious to me than anything I may learn from another man’s experience.

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