
Friday, February 8, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson at National Prayer Breakfast

At Thursday morning's National Prayer Breakfast, Dr. Benjamin Carson, a celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital, gave a 25-minute long keynote address that directly refuted the key tenets of President Barack Obama’s liberal agenda – with Obama sitting just feet away.

Dr. Carson attacked political correctness as “horrible” and dangerous. Dr. Carson credited personal responsibility, not government assistance, for taking from a childhood of poverty to a lifetime of success.

Dr. Carson attacked fiscal irresponsibility, instead urging restrained spending. “One of our big problems right now...our deficit is a big problem. Think about it — and our national debt — $16 and a half trillion dollars,” said Dr. Carson as Obama watched. Obama increased the federal debt by $5.8 trillion in his first term, the worst ever increase in a presidential term.

Dr. Carson went on to press for a flat tax, rejecting Obama’s call for higher taxes on higher earners. ”When I pick up my Bible, you know what I see — I see the fairest individual in the universe — God — and he’s given us a system. It’s called tithe,” said Dr. Carson. Carson went on to extol their fairness of the flat tax, under which everyone pays the same rate.

Dr. Carson also diametrically opposed ObamaCare, attacking the idea of government bureaucracy funding health care and instead recommending private health savings accounts.

The National Prayer Breakfast, an annual D.C. event that gave us President Ronald Reagan’s “Evil Empire” speech, made history again this year with a highly accomplished black doctor directly refuting liberalism and ObamaCare in front of the President.

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