Sunday, March 24, 2013
Gun Control or Heart Change?
Gun Control or Heart Change…Which is Really Needed?
Though people have analyzed the issue of the Sandy Hook tragedy from a multitude of aspects–socially, psychologically, etc.–we can NOT consider these murders, merely an act of physical violence. Man consists of body and soul—physical and spiritual. We were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27) and were made living souls (Genesis 2:7).
In the beginning, in the Garden of Eden there was no death. Death was introduced to mankind as a result of sin and disobedience against God’s command (Genesis 2:15-17).
The Apostle James diagnoses the root cause for all strife, arguments, and wars: one person doesn’t get what he wants, so he’s willing to do anything to get it, even if that means committing murder (James 4:1-2).
That was the issue in the first murder recorded in the Bible. You know the story. Cain was angry with his brother Abel (Genesis 4:5); God confronted him on his anger (Genesis 4:6); and rather than deal with his heart of anger, Cain murdered Abel (Genesis 4:8). He didn’t have access to a gun (that implement wouldn’t be created until many years later) but Cain’s selfish, sinful heart compelled him to rise up against his brother. You can take man’s gun, but if he is intent on killing you, he will use a knife or his bare hands.
It is the wicked heart of man that must be dealt with. The prophet Jeremiah tells us the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). That includes you and me. There are none who are righteous, and no one naturally seeks after God (Romans 3:10-11). We are not inherently good. In fact we are all born as sinners who break God’s law. Therefore, our hearts must be changed by Jesus, Who gives us a new nature and a desire to love Him and others (Matthew 22:37-39). In fact, the Gospel empowers a Christian to love not only the “nice” guy down the street, but also those who are His enemy (Matthew 5:43-47). Man, who loves his sin, must hate his sin and turn from his wicked way in repentance and place his faith in Christ, Who atoned for sin on the cross (Isaiah 55:7).
Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount that murder begins in the heart (Matthew 5:21-26). Murder finds root in hateful thoughts toward others. Jesus Christ teaches in this passage that mankind is guilty of breaking God’s law not only when they commit the external act of murder, but also even when they harbor anger in their hearts. The ability to commit the act of murder resides within the human heart, were it not for God’s grace giving us a greater desire to please Him than ourselves. It doesn’t matter how moral a person appears outwardly. If man isn’t changed from within by God, there is no limit to his displays of wickedness.
Many people have responded to the Sandy Hook tragedy with loud cries for gun reform. Gun laws and external restraints placed upon man will not curb shootings and other similar violence. Behavior modification will always fall short. Unless man’s heart is changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and given a greater love for God, others, and what is right, we will not see the kind of change in society that brings peace.
There’s much more to be said, but I will leave it here, unless you have further questions. God has not been silent, but has written the Bible with all the answers to life. I’m happy to take any and every opportunity to try to clarify to others what He means by what He has said.
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