
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Quote of the Day

“I can think of no New Testament precedent for continuing to identify oneself by sins from which one repented on conversion. Nor do I see compassion in patting someone on the head who dons a title that self-identifies as embracing a sin. Practicing homosexuality is sin; a ‘gay’ is someone who embraces perverse desires so as to practice homosexuality; a ‘Christian gay/lesbian/homosexual’ is a contradiction in terms.

It is to say ‘I am an unrepentant pursuer of indulging perverse desires of whose indulgence I’ve repented.’ Further, as we’ve often discussed, it’s debatable whether there’s any value to ongoing public reminders of what particular temptations we are fighting. To say you’re a Christian is to say that you are in warfare against fleshly lusts (1 Pet. 2:11). It’s definitional.

Sir Aaron said it perfectly: ‘if I had to identify myself by my sinful desires, it would take me a long time to introduce myself.’ Also, it’s doubtful as to whether it would serve any healthy purpose.”
– Dan Phillips

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