
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sunday School Questions for December 4

Hey Everyone.

I will have a paper copy for you this Sunday unless you would like we to continue posting them this way. Email me and tell me what you think!

Read Genesis 14:1-12.

Note: These events preceded Lot’s capture. They cover fourteen years and describe four separate events:

Genesis 14:1-3 – Fourteen years before Lot’s capture, Eastern Kings conquered the Siddim Valley.

Genesis 14:4 – The conquered peoples rebelled.

Genesis 14:5-7 – The Eastern kings came back to punish the people.

Genesis 14:8-12 – There was a battle, and Lot was captured.

1. a. List the names of the four conquerors from the East in 14:1.

b. List the names of the five Siddim Valley kings in Genesis 14:2.

c. From what great plain did the four come? (See also Genesis 11.)

d. Where is the Valley of Siddim (home of the five kings)?

2. How did Lot’s choices (Genesis 13) contribute to his being a prisoner (Genesis 14:11-12)?

Read Genesis 14:13-16.

3. What do you learn about Abraham that helps you understand why he won the victory?

4. Give several ways that Abraham illustrates a Christian engaged in a battle with unseen and “spiritual” enemies. (See 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 and Ephesians 6:10-18.)

5. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Paul speaks of fighting with spiritual weapons. What are two spiritual weapons we can use? (See Ephesians 6:17-18.)

Read Genesis 14:17-24 and 15:1.

6. a. Which two kings officially honored Abraham at the victory celebration?

b. Describe Abraham’s meeting with each of them and his attitude toward each one.

7. What did he give to the king of Salem? (This is mentioned in Scripture for the first time.)

8. a. What two things did God promise Abraham in Genesis 15:1?

b. Why did Abraham need those special promises? (See Genesis 14:21-24.)

Read Psalm 110 and Hebrews 4:14-16 and 7.

9. a. By comparing Psalm 110:1 with Matthew 22:44-45, we learn that “Messiah” or “The Lord’s Anointed” is the subject of this Psalm. In what way does this Psalm prophesy that Messiah will be like Melchizedek (Genesis 14)?

b. List five ways that Melchizedek was a picture of Christ’s person and work. (See Hebrews 7.)

10. Give verses in the Hebrews passages that describe Christ as the personal Priest who continues His unceasing priestly work for every true believer in Him.

Read Hebrews 2:18; 4:14-16; 5; and 6:18-20.

11. What lessons concerning Christ as Priest would you choose to give to:

a. A discouraged Christian?

b. A tempted Christian?

c. A lonely Christian?

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