
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sunday School Questions

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Melissa and I will be in Beautancus (yes it is a real place!) visiting my family and will not be in Sunday School. We will be back the following week and look forward to being with you all again.

I have listed the questions for this week's Sunday School time below. I know it will be a great discussion.

Read Genesis 13:5-13.
1. How are Abraham's attitudes and actions an example for Christians who disagree with each other?
a. Genesis 13:5-13
b. 1 Corinthians 6:1-8
c. Ephesians 4:1-3
d. Ephesins 4:31-5:2

2. Why did Abraham have the right to choose first?

3. a. What was the basis for Lot's choice? Give the verse.
b. In what ways do people choose to live in a certain area for the same reasons today?
c. Exactly what was wrong with Lot's choice? Give verse.
d. What effect did his coice eventually have on his wife, his family, and his own spiritual well-being? Skim Genesis 14 and 19.

4. If we love the world and choose its viewpoint, how does this affect us?
a. John 14:27
b. John 17:15-16
c. Ephesians 4:17-20
d. James 4:4
e. 1 John 2:15-17

Read Genesis 13:5-18.
5. a. How did Lot temporarily seem to gain by his choice?
b. How did Abraham temporarily seem to lose by his choice?

6. How did God's promise to Abraham after Lot left him include more than he seemed to have given up?

7. a. What are some promises to the Christian who seems to give up so much for Christ's sake?
b. How are Christian blessings worth what Christ requires us to give up for Him?

8. a. What did God require Abraham to do in order to teach him that he must know God's inheritance and appropriate each promise in practical ways?
b. In what way does Joshua 1:3-9 illustrate these parts of true faith?

9. What words and phrases in Genesis 13; 15:18-21; and Jeremiah 31 make it clear that when God meant the land of Canaan was to be given to Abraham's descendants, this was to be taken literally?

Read Genesis 18:16-19:38.
10. What position must Lot have held in Sodomite society if he "sat in the gate"?

11. a. Lot may have thought that by going to live in Sodom he could influence the people of that city. Was he successful?
b. How did they react to his warnings?

12. What did Lot's family lose or gain by Lot's becoming an important man in Sodom?

13. What proof can you find in Genesis 18-19 that Lot had genuine faith in God's Word that resulted in moral righteousness? See also 2 Peter 2:7-8.

Read Luke 12:13-21 and 1 Corinthians 3:9-15.
14. How does 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 describe the eternal loss of a Christian who makes Lot's choice?

15. From the following verses, why are our choices after we become Christians so important?
a. Romans 14:10-12
b. 2 Corinthians 5:9-10
c. 1 John 2:28

16. How was Lot like the man in Luke's parable?

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